비뇨기과 / 부인 과학 / 석회 절개술 드레이프

Urology/Gynaecology/lithotomy Drape :
Reinforcement, 48 x 46 cm
8 x 15 cm perineal fenestration with adhesive
Attached leggings
Anesthesia screen 163 x 99 cm
163 x 279 x 74cm
Urology/Gynaecology/lithotomy Pack:
1 Back Table Cover, Zone Reinforced,152 x 191 cm
1 Mayo Stand Cover 80 x 145 cm
1 Suture Bag
2 Surgical gown,non-reinforced
1 Surgical gown, reinforced
2 Hand towels
2 Tape strip
1 Under Buttocks Drape
1 lithotomy Drape with Leggings
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