무릎 관절 경 수술 외과 용 드레이프 ( with fluid collection pouch)

Arthroscopy Drape :
Absorbent Reinforcement, 74 x 94 cm
6 cm dual circular elastic fenestrations
Attached fluid control pouch with port
Malleable wire former
Velcro-style line holders
229 x 325 cm
Arthroscopy Pack:
1 Back Table Cover, Zone Reinforced,152 x 191 cm
1 Mayo Stand Cover 80 x 145 cm
1 Suture Bag
1 Surgical gown,non-reinforced
1 Surgical gown, reinforced
2 Hand towels
2 Tape strip
1 Impervious stockinette
1 Arthroscopy Drape with Fluid Control Pouch 229 x 325 cm